Policy & Certification
The General Management assumes quality as a key factor in the group's culture, and understands that its management orientation is based on a spirit of continuous improvement, which runs through all existing processes in the organization, in order to achieve the company's strategic objectives and meet the needs and expectations of customers and other relevant stakeholders.
It also assumes the responsibility to:
- Provide employees with a solid future, integrated into a successful team, motivated and committed to continuous improvement.
- Establish strong relationships with our partners, based on trust and mutual benefit.
- Guarantee the management profitability to continue investing in the group - sustainability.
- Respect for compliance with Standards, Regulations and Legal Requirements, applicable to the product and commitment to ensuring the effectiveness of the HACCP System, in order to provide authentic and safe products.
- A commitment to compliance with the fundamental principles and rights at work, ensuring, within the scope of its activities
- Freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
- The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor
- The effective abolition of child labor;
- The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.