It’s all about perfection.
We believe in Nature.
As the Discreet Guardian of Wine,
the cork should fulfill its mission without fail.
Jean-François Lafitte

Preserving wines since 1918.
Why should you choose cork?

Technology and Quality Control
Combining tradition and modernity.
There’s just something about cork…
“Cork is the only closure that ensures the future of my wines. When we talk about cavas where the historical weight is important, where ageing is fundamental, where the wine will be drunk in 100 years time, the only reference with such historical weight is cork. Cork is tradition, air-tightness and perfection.”
— Javier Ausás, Technical Director and Oenologist of Bodegas Vega Sicilia
“We make cava that is aged over 150 years and it is closed with a cork stopper, of course. Its use is indisputable. The behavior of cork is much better, its slow permeability promotes 'crianza' and the evolution of the cava.”
— Josep Buján, Technical Director of Freixenet

The Process.
How do cork stoppers come about?
Adding value to cork, a natural product of excellence.
Guaranteeing quality and exceeding expectations in a sustainable, competitive and innovative way. At Lafitte, the pursuit of excellence is a passion. Each day we meet new challenges, respond to new issues of sustainability and respect for the environment, while perpetuating the traditions and history of Lafitte Group.

Our main focus.
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