Elasticity, compressibility and waterproofing are three of the characteristics which guarantee the cork closure as a wine sealant. No other material possesses the capacity to allow gaseous exchanges in and out of the bottle in order to encourage the refinement of the wine.

Therefore, this is a product of excellence, essential for wine bottling, and the only clear choice for the best quality wines. At Lafitte Cork, you will find natural cork closures of several sizes and qualities, branded with our customer’s logo. We are prepared to meet the most demanding requests.100% of the production of natural corks submitted to the MaxClean Evolution process.


Close-up of Lafitte Natural Cork Stopper with logo.

Technical Information

Length Diameter Density
NV ± 0,7 NV ± 0,5 180 ± 40
mm mm Kg/m³

PerfectGO service available.



Contact us for more information

Our team is available to answer any questions you may have. You can also use this form to request a free quote for our Natural cork stoppers.


Micro Agglomerated 44 1+1